In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Class Photographs

Mercy Hospital School of Nursing graduates, Portland, 1966

Mercy Hospital School of Nursing graduates, Portland, 1966

Item 104330 info
Northern Light Mercy Hospital

The Mercy Hospital School of Nursing class graduated 34 students in 1966. Based on the class roster, the students were:

Judith Adams, Andrea Atkinson, Marie-Therese Beaudet, Nancy Belanger, Ann Berry, Leona Boutwell, A. Faye Bustard, Pamela Campbell, Linda Casey, Jane Chadbourne, Janet Collomy, Diana Dwinal, Adrienne Fletcher, Charlene Foster, Sally Gagnon, Mary Gouzie

Geraldine Heskett, Judith Lemieux, Rita Lord, Linda McAvoy, H. Gail McMillan, Delores Markarian, Sylvia Marquis, Sheila Mooney, Jacqueline Morang, Mary Jo Murphy, Joan Ouellette, Cynthia Perkins, Lanetta Perry, Shirley Smith, Judith Travis, Jo Anna Whited, and Carol York.

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