According to Mercy Hospital records the class of 1971 graduated 37 students. Class members included:
Angela Allison, Doris Babbidge, Mary Begin, Nancy Boulette, Catherine Brownrigg, Nancy Buotte, Maureen Burns, Colette Cantin, Agnes Cantwell, Suzanne Casavant, Diane Christiansen, Deborah Climo, Sally Colman, Charline Cordeau, Sandra Cram, Roberta Cribby, Danielle Darneille, Rachel Davis, Christa Dillihunt, Annina Grimaldi, Linda Henry
Jeanette Ives, Maureen Lauritsen, Arlene Levesque, Patricia Martin, Judith Mtthews, Mary Ann McInnis, Jeanne Michaud, Joyce Nelson, Patricia Nurse, Barbara Pancsofar, Theresa Powers, Gayle Puiia, Charlene Rowe, Nancy Russell, Cathy Shumate, and Jeanne Silverman.